Power Out Switches Up The Norm with an Avant-Garde Contemporary Dance Visualizer for Experimental Electronic Single “Heckler”

August 5, 2021
One Min Read

Calling all creative types who appreciate avant-garde projects!

Shaking up the norm of sounds, instrumental artist Power Out presents a mish-mash of engaging instrumental goodness in single “Heckler.” The first of three releases from their debut EP Wrist Flickr, “Heckler” is a hypnotic and playful track accompanied by a contemporary dance visual.

As melodic polyrhythms and a whirlpool of percussive beats and bangs take the listener on a journey, an elegant performer in overalls improv dances to the moving sounds, interacting with the music and providing some visual personification to the open grooves and loops. The visualizer is mostly set in black-and-white, but just as the soundscapes become more lush and lively toward the end, all of a sudden color flushes into the scene, and you’re able to appreciate the pop of street art filling the backdrop.

Drum machines, bass sequencers and live drums meld together to create an energizing listening experience, so add “Heckler” to your personal ‘vibes’ or ‘trippy’ playlist, close your eyes if you so choose, and let the music carry you for a few minutes! I’ve added it to our Creativity Boost playlist.

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