A Project Truly Loved by its Creator: Ben Auld’s Debut Album Lemongrass

March 7, 2022
4 Mins Read

A Project Truly Loved by its Creator: Ben Auld’s Debut Album Lemongrass

UK-based singer songwriter Ben Auld has debuted to Earth Libraries with a new album titled Lemongrass. The album was entirely self-made by Auld, and it took him over four years to write, record, and mix everything himself. In his writing, Auld focuses on delicate topics, like bookstores, porches, ghosts and space stations, giving warm and comfy vibes throughout the entirety of the ten song run. Truly, the existence of Lemongrass is complete proof that set and passionate minds can accomplish anything and everything, it just requires the dedication to do so.

When speaking on the inspiration behind Lemongrass, Auld is quoted as such:

“It’s partly this want I’ve always had to create something, be it a book, film, or music… Music that calmed my anxiety, or reminded me of people I cared about, or made me envious that I couldn’t make music like that. [The takeaway of the album will] be a bit different for everyone I suppose. It could just be something pleasant to put on in the background while they’re ironing or it could be this life-affirming experience and both are great. It’s cool when people appreciate little details or subtleties in the songs but it’s just as good when someone appreciates solely for it being catchy or memorable, there’s something quite pure about that.”

“You’re A Ghost” goes over the feeling of someone always being on your mind, and seeing them in even the minuscule parts of life. With a versatile guitar and well timed drums, Auld forms perfect images with his lyrics, some of the more painted lines being “you’re in the radiator knocking, you’re in the tap that always drips, you’re a ghost who’s never gonna quit.”

“Try Again” speaks on building up the patience to try and try again, whether it be to accomplish a big task, or take the time to build up confidence to speak to someone you admire. The echoing layers of vocals bring a feeling of tranquility. No matter how many attempts it takes, Auld reminds us of the importance of a fighting spirit.

“Sycamore Way” remises on old love and past mistakes. To the rhythm of a guiding keyboard, Auld tells a story, saying “I held you to my chest, and you wore a pinafore dress, I left for a while, cause I was a child.” He goes through the realization that he shouldn’t have left the girl, as he was found of her, and missed the chance to confess his feelings.

“Worry All The Time” covers on the overtake that love can have on your mind and body, combined with a troubling feeling of anxiety to tie it all together. Acoustics heavily carry the song from word to word as Auld expresses the thoughts that go through his head when faced with a infatuation he was not prepared for.

“O Athena!” is a beautiful love song that sets the scene of being excited to meet up with a loved one once more, this song in particular documenting the travels to a bookstore. Compositionally, the track is striking. Even the smallest details in the instrumentals can be easily picked up and appreciated.

“D4A” holds a very pleasant and upbeat pace while introducing the slow build up of heartbreak that occurs when you mistaken someone’s kindness as a form of romantic intentions. Having to force strong feelings into fading is no easy task, the “D4A” goes through what such process is like perfectly.

“Our Time Is Now” has hopes for the future, and encourages listeners to embrace the changes that occur around them. The chorus of the track is very short, yet impactful, as Auld pours ounces of emotion into only eight words, “the time is ours, our time is now.”

“Lemongrass” softly speaks that all memories are worth keeping, whether they are filled with laughter or sadden tears. Auld calmly explains his heartfelt belief that memories shared with another person are special, and should be kept close for many years to come.

“International Space Station” is solemn in painting a picture of becoming insignificant in someone’s life, as the song describes, “fading from view.” The track takes on a more jazzy vibe, and Auld puts extra care in conducting his voice into a pitch of a lullaby.

“Daisy” finishes the album with lyrics speaking of receiving love from nature, than taking that love and giving passing it on to someone else. Continuing with excellent composition and instrumental choices, the track is certainly an incredible ending to a project that was so loved and cared for by its creator.

Lemongrass is undoubtedly an experience of pure bliss. The album in its full can be accessed for your perusal here:

Rebekah Moseley Subscriber
I am a Contributing Journalist at Glasse Factory, and Editing, Writing and Media major at Florida State University. I live in Tallahasee with my bearded dragon, and love a wide range of folk and pop!
Rebekah Moseley Subscriber
I am a Contributing Journalist at Glasse Factory, and Editing, Writing and Media major at Florida State University. I live in Tallahasee with my bearded dragon, and love a wide range of folk and pop!
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